A damp overcast morning, the ground now muddy and slippy once again. To the side of the path a Way Faring tree could be seen in flower, side plate sized clusters of flowers adorning the tops of branches. further along the song a Song Thrush can be heard before spotting the bird amongst the branches on a Blackthorn. Out in Skipworth field 12 Herring Gulls form an orderly line across the field, before spoking and flying off as one.
In taskers the patch of Adder Tongue Fern is still going strong, I head through to Saxon to find some there but am unsuccessful. I do spot a lone Blue Bell tucked in near to the scrub flowers just poking over the top of the grass. Just past this a long Early Spider Orchid can be seen in the shorter grass just off from the path.
A Wren calls from the top of the wall between saxon and oxeye. Down the drove in to centenary where a sea of Cowslips can be seen, now interspersed with Meadow Buttercups, flowers tightly furled awaiting the sun. Adding to the different shades of yellow, Yellow Rattle can also be seen starting to flower. Above two Skylarks have an arrival battle before flying off in pursuit of each other.
A large cock Pheasant waddles his way through the long grass at the far end of the field. A rather bedraggled looking Jay perches atop a dead tree, possibly trying to dry out after last night’s 30mm of rain.
In oxeye I almost stumble on a Song Thrush in the past eating a worm. Just through the gate into round down some Charlock can be seen flowering along the wall.