Opening times
- Mondays 2pm-4pm - for Cuppa & Chat - enjoy a cuppa and make some new friends in the lovely woodland surroundings. Just drop in and say hello! A great starting point for volunteering at the Shed.
- Tuesday 10am-1pm - for 'Out of The Blue' a group aimed at bringing people together though arts, knitting, and stone carving.
- Tuesday 2pm-4pm - join a ranger to help our with practical tasks to support the park - you could be painting, fixing signs, creating crafts or taking part in other DIY projects. Also attended by All Sort'd who provide bespoke learning support for people with learning disabilities.
- Wednesdays 2pm-4pm - join our team of Lead Sheddies to take part in various activities including arts, woodwork, gardening, and more.
- Fridays 1pm-3pm - our gardening group meet to look after our vegetables, plants, and flowers, which we sell for donations on the plant stall as fundraising for the park.
There’s no need to book, just come along on any of the days/times shown and stay as long as you want. All of our sessions are free, but mostly run by volunteers - so please be understanding that we are sometimes quite busy managing lots of people at the same time. We also encourage participants to support our work by becoming a Friend of Durlston.
Everyone Needs a Shed!
'Everybody Needs a Shed' was launched as part of the lottery-funded 'Durlston Pleasure Grounds' project. It is an accessible community work base which enables people of all ages and abilities to socialise, learn new skills, and volunteer in support of Durlston Country Park.
We welcome people with disabilities, dementia, and other long-term health problems to try a variety of wood-working, gardening, crafts, and DIY projects. No commitment or experience needed - you can even just pop in for a chat.
What can I do there?

We host a variety of different activities which changes week to week; from growing plants, to traditional rural crafts, making bird boxes, painting, restoring signs and much more. There is always something to do, and your help will be much appreciated - even if that is just making the teas and coffees - so please come along to one of our sessions and get involved.
We are also always looking for volunteers to take part as a Lead Sheddie - a role which involves helping to run sessions, leading activities, and assisting our volunteers. Please contact us if you would like to find out more.
Who can come?
Everyone is welcome at the Shed, whether you want to teach, learn, or even just pop in for a friendly chat.
We have tasks to suit people of all ages and abilities and you do not need any previous experience to help out. The Shed welcomes those with disabilities, dementia or long-term health problems to join in and enjoy the park. Our 'Visual Story' provides for a guide to visiting the Shed for people with autism.
If you have a group of people who would like to come along and use the shed, please contact us.
Where is the Shed?
The Shed is located in the woodland, at the northern end of Lighthouse Road at Sunnydale.
Walk through the two large wooden pillars on the approach to the Country Park and you will see The Shed on your right. Please follow the Woodland Trail to walk here from the car park or the castle.
- You can find it on Google Maps by searching for 'The Shed at Durlston Country Park'.
- Walking from Swanage town centre takes around 30 minutes, but does include steep hills.
- Taxis are available from Swanage Bus Station.
- Mini-bus transport may be available for larger groups. Please contact the ranger team to discuss.
Mailing List
Stay in the loop with upcoming sessions by joining our Shed mailing list (just email us at You will be sent regular updates about the Shed, including planned tasks for the regular weekly drop-in sessions (such as gardening, bird box making, painting), and also dates for more occasional groups (such as local clubs, schools and care groups)
We welcome donations to support the future of this project. You can make a card or paypal donation online. You can also donate with cash or card at the Castle, or send a cheque payable to Durlston Country Park to:
Durlston Country Park,
Lighthouse Road,
Swanage, Dorset, BH19 2JL.