Looking out to see there was a gap between the sky and sea upon the horizon such that a full view of the Isle of Wight was enjoyed. However, with time grey cloud merged with grey sea to the west such that the presence of a Coaster only defined the boundary. I was surprised how soon said MN coaster was to get close as it aimed for Poole. A chill, damp but refreshing start.
A Grey Squirrel bounced and scampered through the bare boughs of an Ash. A bounty of fresh Elm leave had emerged from younger, possibly coppiced, trees. From a cut stump of Holm Oak dense bud clusters also showed. Amongst the Dell a Blackbird scoured for food. Around the head clumps of Hemp Agrimony grew beside a Moss wearing wall. Here too were the solid fronds of Harts Tongue Fern, with tips yet to unfurl. Below the noon bench inflorescence hung from a Sycamore. Near the Durlston Head I heard to “Peep Peep” of Oystercatcher, then a trio flew past. It was more unusual to find a duo of Shelduck leave the cliff top, circuit then heading east. Cauliflower clusters of off-white compound flowers of Wayfaring Tree showed. It was a delight to see both Thrift and Sea Campion flowering about the cliff face. Fresh whit and slightly fluffy leave of White Poplar were revealed. Rock Samphire’s fresh, succulent leaves simply protruded from a wall. A trio of Razorbills were noted upon the sea before Jackdaws were scattered at the observation point.
Looking eastward, I managed to see some thirty Guillemots, using a triangular ledge beside the sea to get in and out of the sea for a quick dip. Agrimony leaves were near the caves, whilst a Stonechat called from Gorse above. Pools on fresh water were upon the wave cut platform, where two Herring Gulls huddled resting.
Ascending the Measured Mile Marker slope, I passed Kidney Vetch, Milkwort and Early Spider Orchid blooms. I also had to take care not to steps on several slugs and snails. A Garden Snail had near reached the tip of a vertical Dogwood branch. Near, but not upon, the Centre a House Sparrow was glimpsed. Would this nest by the gutter again.