It is not often that a Grey Squirrel is seen close to the learning centre, but one scrambled through a Goat Willow. The second unusual mammal encounter would be later upon the cliff tops. Meanwhile, fresh upright growth resembled candles within a Black Pine tree. On the way to the castle the Isle of Wight could not seen in part to a sunbeam reflection upon the sea. Mexican Daisy and a few White Valerian flowers peeked out of the castle walls. Red Valerian and Green Alkanet blooms added colour near the Sea Chart. Chaffinch, Woodpigeon Guillemots and possibly a Raven were heard.
Looking onto the cliff tops I was surprised to see a young Roe Deer browsing. It was right at the interface between Portland Limestone and vegetation. It took no interest in Dwarf Mallow, Thrift nor a Jackdaw. It did not apper to notice me. I walked on a did a double take. Was this the same animal or another, indeed it was its mother! There peering back at me with here two-pronged antlers was a doe. It turned to check its fawn, now out of vision, before observing me. UI walked on to let them be.
One Herring Gull was performing dives and turns, seemingly to deflect Jackdaws possibly from a best. At least four Fulmars flew whilst a solo Jackdaw beak wiped, then preened in a mature Tamarisk bush. I heard its call before it appeared from the east, one Peregrine Falcon flew straight along the cliff face. Guillemots were scattered upon the sea, preening, diving, and “chatting”. Further Stinking Iris flowers were found just over the cliff top wall. A trio of “cauliflower head” Wild Carrot flowers were obvious near the cave steps. Down below on the very edge of the sea carved ledge stood a Rock Pipit with something dangling from its beak. Further below on a ledge by the sea was an Oystercatcher.