Heading into the woodland vias the top of long meadow I pass a patch of Dog Wood just starting to flower, large clusters of tiny white flowers forming a plate of flowers. Looking out to sea the sun rise glistens of the still water casting the park in a warm glow.
Down in the dell Fushia is starting to flower, dark red trumpet like flower just starting to open. A Honey Suckle climbs up the limbs of Hawthorn covered in white blossom. Down on caravan terrace Speedwell and Bugle can be seen in flower.
Looking over the wall between the globe and the glass observation point. A Roe Deer’s head pops up from behind a grassy verge, it happily trots along the top of the cliff not hazed by the drop mere inches from it. Out to sea 5 fishing boats can be seen heading out for the day, Guillemots and Herring Gulls weave there way through the boats back to the cliffs edge.
Yesterday a pod of 5 – 6 Dolphins were seen feeding just off Durlston head and along to the light house, so I keep my eyes pealed to the water, though no luck this morning. Though while writing this diary this morning, we got a call in the office to say a pod was heading in out direction, so if you are about today do keep your eyes on the water.
Looking up towards the light house from Tilly Whim a carpet of yellow Kidney Vetch can be seen. Below the light house a bank of Sea Campion and Sea Thrift make beautiful display. Heading up the light house road the verges are full of life, Birds Foot Trefoil, Chalk Milkwort and Yellow Vetchling all among the short grass. A Stonechat can be seen singing from the top of a patch of scrub. While in the distance a Kestrel perches on the top of a Sycamore.