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Sunday 12th May, 2024

Seasonal change comes gradually in nature. You can sometimes feel a little repetitive writing these diaries and mentioning the same wildlife day in and day out. It’s not until you come back after a week away to appreciate change.

This morning I found that across the car park verges as I stepped out of my car: Now scattered with yellow Buttercup, and Red Clover. Speedwell flowers shine a delicate blue and the dense grass cover is dotted the red wing-cases of 7-Spot Ladybirds.

A thickened tree line stands out from the woodland, where the branches of Ash and Sycamore are finally green. Blue Tits flutter between these branches, now weighted and hanging lower than before.

Under this shade, the humming of Bees which float around flowering Cow Parsley, Nettle, and a beautiful patch of Green Alkanet towards the Castle. In the middle, the huge lofty Burdock leaves prevail over the surrounding flora; Goosegrass and Dandelion clocks.

Dry stone walls bathe in glades of glorious sunshine, and are regarded by both a Wall Brown and Speckled Wood butterfly. A Blackcap sings its pleasing tunes and a Buff-tailed Bumblebee bumbles around the Garlic Mustard.

The woodland walk reveals more Spring delights - the mayflower blossom which adorns much of the Hawthorn, clusters of white Wayfaring flowers, and the stunning blooms upon the ‘Durlston Beauty’ Apple which hangs over the footpath. Opposite here, small fruits have began to form on the earlier-flowering Damson.

Over winter I pruned some Holm Oaks to make room for a Horse-Chestnut sapling I noted growing near ‘Rest and Admire’. The six foot sapling has already sprouted to seven foot this season, but not yet large enough to bear the candelabra of flowers which now decorate the mature trees.   

I’m late writing this diary this morning, mostly due to the excitement of some 20 Bottlenose Dolphins feeding off Durlston Head.

  By Ben Holley

Todays Information


Min Temp: 12.8
Max Temp: 18.3
Gusts: 13
Rainfall: 0
Outlook: Sunshine


Image title: Green Alkanet
Image by: Ben Holley
Audio File 1: Blackcap