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Wednesday 08 May, 2024

Yesterday, weeding the Pleasure Grounds planted area, I watched a Robin as it made three unsuccessful attempt to catch one Orange Tip butterfly. In the evening, after the FoD meeting, Pipistrelle Bats flew as I rode out of the park.This morning low cloud hill the Isle of Wight and although I could see a coaster upon a patch of visible sea, I am sure I heard another ships Fog Horn.

In South Field a Yellow Rattle flower had opened. Near Saxon’s Hat Raje, a five inch tall Early Spider Orchid stem trembled in the breeze. Again, Cotoneaster hosted a buzz of Buff Tailed Bumblebees, despite cloud. Almost ion synchronised flight, a Woodpigeon duo flew in silent rapid wing beats. By chance a Roe Deer was seen frozen at a scrub edge. Noted were its vertical two-pronged antlers, and a dark eyes and snout. Plenty of seed clocks marked the well-trodden path.

Upon the coastal ridge a male Pheasant was spotted, instead of being heard. Still soft Jelly Ear clung to Elder, of course! After calling a Carrion Crow swooped down into the gully depths. Patches of “mustard dust” were in fact Crosswort clumps. The dry winterbourne was crossed then Stinking Iris fruits were still out perhaps thanks to Ivy and Hawthorn shelter. Ascending the ridge a cluster of Pale Flax flowers were near the summit. Looking west a Skylark appeared to ascend near vertically with rapid wingbeats and song.

Before reaching Lighthouse Green proper, Cow Parsley was beside a gateway. Amongst the naturalised Gladioli leaf stems, some buds showing, were two Narcissus flowers (believed have been planted rather than wild).

Wild Clary and White Stonecrop were flowering beside the Lighthouse perimeter wall. Seaward were clumps of Kidney Vetch and Thrift. Upon one of the latter flowers were tiny two metallic sheened Beetles mating. My alarm told me, as I passed the gully Yew, it was time to head up and read the weather. Whilst passing over the Horseshoe Bridge, pea sized Pear fruits had formed upon the bridge side tree.

  By Paul Jones

Todays Information


Min Temp: 11.9
Max Temp: 18.8
Gusts: 13
Rainfall: 0
Outlook: Sunny spells & breeze


Image title: Sycamore flower
Image by: P.Jones
Audio File 1: Fog Horn (Portland Bill)