Chattering in Sycamore were a Goldfinch duo, whilst an unseen Chiff Chaff broadcasted. Overhead was heard the soothing whirr of a microlight. At ground level sheet spider webs were between grass blades and low branch tips, enhanced by the Dew. Certainly, a Magpie passed, whilst today only calls and wing beats of a “naturalised” Pheasant were noted. A few blue / violet flowers upon Tufted Vetch. Flies were active in the sun about the Copse’s walled entrance. Inside it was either the slight scent of Nettles or Ground Elder that was detected.
Although I put out the Skylark “cut outs”, the one in Taskers always surprises me, such that I assume it’s a Roe Deer! Large Sycamore buds had begun opened upon the shaded woodland edge. The remnants bracts of Blackberry fruits, showed of seasons gone, whilst beside new leaves. Again, the ground was wet in several places. Squelch!
In Saxon, Fleabane leaves had risen above from hugging the ground, whilst Blackthorn regrowth, or suckers, was already trying to colonise open space. Spotted leaves indicated a few Early Purple Orchids. Beside the hay rake scrape, there was much buzzing of Buff Tailed Bumble Bees. It was a slight disappointment in that their focus was about escaped, invasive Cotoneaster. A Chaffinch preened amongst open branches, whilst a Bloody Nosed Beetle, crawled across a broaden and slightly flattened Ant Hill. A Red Admiral pause to briefly bask upon the mix of dry stone, soil, and vegetation. Offshore a score of Yachts headed west, a day of play. Some of the Early Purple Orchid flowers showed signs of fading.
A Carrion Crow appear to perform a circuit about me. A Herring Gull flew west only to return. Before entering Lighthouse Field, salt burn had cause leaves to dry and drop upon the seaward side of a Hawthorn. A Stinking Iris leaf was being scaled by a Garden Snail. Another butterfly was on the wing, either Red Admiral or a Peacock, whilst an unsuccessful reptile search was undertaken amongst the Goat Plot extension. This morning Stour Vallet Ringing Group rung a Dunnock last recorded here in 2015.