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Wednesday 24 April, 2024

As I walk through to the meadows, I dodge an Oil Beatle meandering its way across the path. Above a flock of four Goldfinch chatter amongst themselves high in the branches of Ash, still bare of leaves. Looking out over Skipworth meadow a Kestrel soars over the field coming to land in another Ash. Along the hedge rows Blackthorn once covered in white blossom, is slowly being replaced by small green leaves.

Heading into the large copse the gate is flanked either side by Mustard Garlic and Nettles. In the copse Lords and Ladies are in flower their tall tubular like flower piercing up into the sky. Some appear to have had their flower bitten off, perhaps by a passing deer.

In taskers I search for the patch of Adders Tongue Fern which turns out to be near the gate, the curved pointed leaf cupping a green spike. Through to saxon to admire the scattering of Cowslips and two Long Tailed Tits flitting around the top of a Blackthorn.

The southern left-hand corner of oxeye meadow I find some Early Spider Orchids surrounded by a sea of Cowslips, the tiny orchids looking a little out of place. From somewhere in the scrub the familiar sound of Stonechat can be heard but not seen.

Over the sleeper bridge into field ten, heading up over the hill I dance around the Early Spider Orchids that seem to be everywhere I look. Just over the ridge I come across a patch of Green Winged Orchids all in flower, there bright purple flowers eye catching.

Up the light house road where I spot a couple of White Throats calling to each other from opposing patches of scrub. A Wren calls from a near by tree little tail waggling in the air as it does. A Kestrel perches on the top of the top mile marker. Before flying off over the meadows.

  By Hannah Hastings

Todays Information


Min Temp: 6.5
Max Temp: 12.8
Gusts: 7
Rainfall: 0
Outlook: Cloudy
