Forget Me Knots in flower catch my eye as soon as I step out of my car this morning. growing along the edges of the car park, delicate blue flowers adorn the flowering stems. In the grassy verges Common Daises and Lesser Celandine are just starting to open for the day, petals slowly unfurling.
Past the start of the play trail, looking out to sea the sun rises overhead the sun making the water below sparkle. In the grass the other side of the wall Mustard Garlic is starting to flower, with tiny white flowers starting to adorn the top of the plant.
Below caravan terrace bridge, between Willow coming into leaf and Blackthorn in bloom, the familiar calls of Robin, Chiffchaff and Great Tits can be heard.
Looking out to sea from the below the globe a Gannet soars high over the sea in a zigzag pattern heading towards Peveril Point. Guillemots can be seen coming and going in large numbers while more float about on the water below in small loose rafts. Further round I spot three Razor Bills sat on a ledge towards the top of the cliff. A Raven patrols the top of the cliff another following close behind.
On the large rock jutting out into the water, 15 Guillemots take up most of the room while at each end two Shags squeeze there way on. Above the Guillemot ledge is packed with the sound of the birds squabbling reaching the coast path above.
Along the edge of the coast path up by the light house, Sea Thrift has sent up flowering stems purple flower buds reading to flower soon. The sound of a Skylark singing somewhere floats past on the breeze along with the sweet coconut scent of Gorse.
Heading up the light house, Early Spider Orchids can be seen on the steep bank on the sea ward side of the road. At the top of the road Early Purple Orchids can been seen on the northern side of the road.